Having been very recently laid off, I am back at home and enjoying myself while reminiscing over my beloved Hyderabad. I used to live in Begumpet and from my top floor flat we used to get a beautiful view of the Hussainsagar lake. My room mates have also been laid off and have returned home and so now that there is no more hope of my returning to that beautiful flat in Begumpet again, I am missing Hyderabad all the more so.
The mornings in Begumpet where the cool wind used to blow till mid day, the delicious, mouth watering idlis that I used to have after my morning workout in the gym where I used to be fed with my daily dose of Telugu songs, those indolent Sunday afternoons spent watching TV or reading books till one amongst us used to get all up and excited and there we used to jump one on top of the other-laughing and fighting, my weekends sojourns to malls and museums and mausoleums all around Hyderabad, the peaceful Mecca Masjid - an oasis amongst the noise and the hulla of Charminar, the hot afternoons spent in vain trying to get a movie ticket from Inox and Adlabs, the beautiful evenings spent beside the Hussainsagar that seemed to turn into a turbulent ocean during the rains, the quiet 'khopchas' that we had discovered atop the Birla Temple amidst all the melee for darshan there, the beautiful view that we had from behind the Birla planetarium - which was in fact much better than the whole show inside, the swirling winds atop Golconda and the joys we had had climbing atop it, the beautifully well preserved Indira Gandhi Nature Park and its animals, Durgam Cheruvu and its panoramic views, the night we spent listening to rock music at Shilparamam, the superb garden we discovered behind Hi Tech city, the beautiful shaded by lanes of Banjara Hills, the cool winds that used to caress our faces on our walks along the Begumpet road, the dark red skywalk over Begumpet road that was my secret hideout for a quiet time alone, the ice creams that we had taking night walks along the road and all the late night escapades that I have had walking along the Necklace Road.
The times that I have had in Hyderabad have been some of the best days of my life. I saw the world, I made some very special friends, I lived, I loved and I enjoyed. That was what made those moments in Hyderabad some of the most fulfilling moments of my life.
I believe that the core of a human being is formed because of the experiences that he goes through. Travel and life in different circumstances is probably one of the best ways to go about enriching your experiences and your soul. I believe that the myriad experiences grant depth to the soul and aids one's understanding of the universe besides unleashing one's creativity. Back home, life is a lot more comfortable and much smoother. But soon it will be time to move, to my greatest conquest yet. Till then, let us travel in beautiful Hyderabad.